Effiong Effiong: Agony of the Newest Wailer

By Ernest Akpan
Another incendiary piece of bunkum written by one unknown Effiong Effiong with the title, “Re-2023: Gov. Emmanuel’s web of lies and sorcery in God’s name”, has further revealed how traumatized, distraught, and frustrated sore losers who didn’t get Governor Udom Emmanuel’s endorsement as preferred successor and their few proxies feel.
Effiong Effiong, whoever he is, has become the latest wailer from their wailing flanks spewing long verses of gibberish full of the proverbial sound and fury and signifying nothing. Let us address a few distractions Effiong Effiong raised to attack Governor Udom Emmanuel and label him a liar and sorcerer in God’s name, whatever that means.
He complained that Governor Udom Emmanuel said he was waiting on God to reveal his successor to him – that he first muted the idea on Friday 20th September 2019 and thirteen months from March 1, 2020, that is, about the third week of April 2021, Gov. Emmanuel, had discreetly unveiled Umo Eno as his God revealed successor.
Arguing that the Governor was lying, Effiong noted that Governor Udom knew his successor all along but kept deceiving Akwa Ibom people that he was waiting on God. Effiong Effiong is indeed smart by half. While pretending to be a Bible student who understands the dynamics of the prophetic realm, he forgot the old-time counsel recorded in James 1:19 which says: “…Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak”. He is not intelligent enough to realize that, Governor Emmanuel was being deep and thorough in listening to the Spirit of God.
Again, Effiong didn’t learn from the example of the Virgin Mary and her spouse Joseph which he cited, that despite the revealed message from Angel Gabriel to Mary about her immaculate conception, Luke 2:19 records, “But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.” She didn’t go public with the revelation but kept meditating on it to be doubly assured. That deep spiritual insight which works patience, which Effiong Effiong cannot in his blinded folly fathom is what Governor Udom Emmanuel has and justifiably exercised by taking his time to unveil revealed knowledge to his people.
Effiong Effiong argued that, the revelation shouldn’t have come to the Governor alone and that God ought to have revealed it to others too. He is rightly wrong on that too. Effiong Effiong should be humble and sensible enough to admit that he doesn’t have all the information about the interactions and conversations Governor Emmanuel may have had on the subject of a successor. He doesn’t also know how many others may have corroborated the revelation though he tried to limit it to some associates of the Governor that he seems to begrudge for their closeness or affinity to him.
Effiong who does everything to tarbrush Apostle Achudume who he decisively tags ‘foreign Bishop’ and described as an unwanted meddlesome interloper ironically commends Apostle Nyeneime Andy, founder of Holy Ghost Ambassadors Ministries, when he said, “No pastor from Lagos…sic has the right to choose or control what we do in Akwa Ibom state politically. He shouldn’t come and say he wants to choose the governor for Akwa Ibom state”.
Rather than scold Apostle Nyeneime Andy for his uncharitable and unchristian outburst which is segregation, discriminatory, and appallingly divisive, he cited that as a good run the people should adopt ( adopt what? ). Yet Apostle Paul command in 1 Corinthians 1:10, “I appeal to you, dear brothers and sisters, by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, to live in harmony with each other. Let there be no divisions in the church. Rather, be of one mind, united in thought and purpose.”
If truly there is neither Greek nor Jew, slave nor free, male nor female but that we are all one in Christ Jesus, (Galatians 3:28), how come the discrimination of tagging a fellow Minister of the Gospel as ‘Foreign Bishop’ sounds acceptable and not repugnant hate speech to Effiong Effiong.
It is simple. Blinded by politics he cannot decipher good from evil and right from wrong. Indeed, if it suits his political preferences, even murder will look like a kind act to the likes of Effiong Effiong.
Effiong Effiong must be daft who is trying to sound intelligent. He wonders how the Governor was able to know that Umo Eno has an economic blueprint. He suddenly forgot that Pastor Umo Eno is serving in Governor Udom Emmanuel’s cabinet as a Commissioner – implying that he writes proposals and memos and submits the same to his boss for appraisal and scrutiny. He also presents position papers about his Ministry and defends the same at Exco or in private sessions with his boss. Why wouldn’t the Governor be able to assess the strengths and weaknesses of not just Pastor Umo Eno but every other aide or associate of his? This is indeed a plus to the Governor that he has sufficient information to endorse who in his opinion is best suited to succeed him.
Effiong Effiong shouldn’t be worried about the people. So far, Pastor Umo Eno is receiving overwhelming acceptance and solidarity across the State and the momentum is gathering. Effiong Effiong should not allow disgruntlement and bitterness to destroy every modicum of sanity and objectivity in him, because, just as in the beginning, Udom is right.